Constitutional Forensic Accounting of the Several States

Welcome to our "Constitutional Forensic Accounting of the Several States" page, where we embark on a crucial mission to uphold the integrity of both our general Constitution and state constitutions, safeguarding the principles of lawful governance. We recognize the paramount importance of engaging in a comprehensive constitutional forensic accounting process to ensure the fidelity of our governing institutions to their de jure foundations, specifically aiming to restore the Constitution of 1787.

Our dedication stems from a profound understanding of the current state of affairs within our de facto nation. It is incumbent upon those who comprehend the nuances of governance to spearhead efforts towards restoring the ideals of good government.

In this ongoing exploration, we pledge to meticulously scrutinize instances where state authorities, and indeed US citizens, may have veered away from the constitutional framework. By shedding light on these deviations, we provide the people, as well as international entities, with the opportunity to comprehend the extent of any breaches and empower them to advocate for corrective measures, ensuring the security of a de jure State. Moreover, we recognize the necessity of taking direct and immediate action to reverse trends that are not only unconstitutional but also pose a potential threat to human rights and freedom.
Our aim is to enable citizens to actively participate in the restoration of proper governance, thereby fortifying the pillars of our democracy.

Through education, awareness, and collective action, we aspire to ignite a grassroots movement dedicated to revitalizing de jure governance by inviting all constitutional entities to participate in the process. Our ultimate goal is to foster an environment where the principles enshrined in our state constitutions, as well as the Constitution of the general government and territories, are upheld with steadfast commitment.

We will commence by constructing a comprehensive timeline, starting from 1492 and progressing forward to the present era. While some may argue that the United States formally transitioned into a de facto State as a result of the 1867-68 Reconstruction Acts, we also acknowledge instances throughout history where control fraud led to de facto states. Here, we will collaboratively endeavor to uncover all deviations as we press forward in our undertakings, aspiring to identify and resolve all unconstitutional acts.

Join us in this pivotal, historic endeavor as we champion the voice of the people and endeavor to ensure that the democratic ideals upon which our nation was founded endure and thrive. Together, let us forge a path towards a future where justice, liberty, and equality prevail.